Tuesday, March 13, 2012

App: Fooducate

So here's another wonderful healthy app for those of you who are looking for more guidance.  I came upon this app while looking for health related apps and found out this app is pretty interesting.  Basically what this app is like a food guide.  You can scan bar-codes for food item or just look up by food/brand and it tell you the nutritional values and the bad values too.  I like how it grades each item on a scale of A+ to D- and also you can compare it to similar products.  I also like how there's an alternative option where it tells you healthier choices/options.  One great thing about this app is that it has ASIAN foods.  You might as what some of them are?  Well some Asian ramen such as the Korean Shin noodles, the indomie Thai friend noodles, variety of fish sauces, soy sauce, saracha sauces, etc...are on fooducate.  So next time you eat something and wonder how healthy it is for you for just because your curious...FOODUCATE it!  You'll be amazed at what you know and what you don't know.  So keep on learning and educating yourself to be a healthier new you!

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